The experience of walking alongside a donkey is the experience itself for inner contemplation of nature.
With inner peace, gentleness and considerable attention, sometimes focused on possible sources of food, these animals will cast a spell over you. We like to walk in silence to feel the magic of these indescribable creatures. You will experience an excursion into nature that will leave a lasting impression on you.
We hike with our two big donkeys Tina and Tille. The countryside around Aachen is green, green, green and varied.

Get-to-know-you walk:

If you simply want to make contact with a donkey, then this walk is perfect for you. Before we set off on the walk, your donkey experience begins with the first introductions: approaching, making contact, stroking, massaging, grooming, cleaning, scraping hooves. This includes the most important instructions on how to handle donkeys. The walking time is approx. one hour, you should bring at least two hours in total.

Half-day tour over the Vetschauer Berg:
You make the first friendly contact with your donkey during grooming.
All your questions about donkeys and how to lead them in the terrain will be answered. Then it's off and, among other things, a wonderful view of Aachen awaits you from Vetschauer Berg. Walking time: approx. two hours - total duration approx. three hours.

Donkey rides for children:

Children can discover the world from above on the donkey's back.
It's all about the first impression of approaching and stroking such a mighty creature. Perhaps the children will later feel the power of our donkeys when they want to ride them. The children are taken on a vivid journey into the world of donkeys. We take the donkeys and their little riders around our farm. The children feel their balance with small exercises.
A moving experience!

4 Linden Aachen
Karl-Friedrich-Straße 157
52072 Aachen

Contact person:
Andreas Dilthey
Tel: 01703448070

Appointments all year round by appointment.
Please wear sturdy shoes and clothing suitable for the weather.
Children up to the age of 10 must be accompanied by a supervisor.
All activities mentioned are at the risk of all participants.