Aims of Europa Morgen e.V.
The association aims to initiate and support the development of holistic and sustainable perspectives - for a "healthy" life here in Germany, regionally and nationally in Europe - either through its own projects or through networking with similarly oriented projects.
The focus is always on social and ecological perspectives.

1 Establishment of a network of ecological projects in Europe.
2 Forum / exchange platform for the diversity of ecological lifestyles.
3 Showcase projects to get to know, try out and participate in.

If you are interested in joining the association, we will be happy to send you
the association's statutes and information. Your contact person is Gesa Kiesow, 0178-7597902,


The "Ensemble" project was created as part of Europa Morgen e.V.'s idea of spinning a network of and for special places. We have close ties to France through the long-standing annual "Landart" event in Audresselles and have chosen a French name for this project. "Ensemble" means: together, together, concatenation, combination, group, subset, connection.

The aim of these meetings is mutual support. Energetic and knowledgeable members and friends of Europa Morgen e.V. make it their task to provide the requested help in a spirit of reciprocity and togetherness.

The aim of the project is
- to strengthen a group or an individual
- to practice solidarity with a community or an individual
- to experience a new active community that helps, cooks, acts, etc. together
- Exchange of knowledge, goods e.g. exchange of seeds, etc. and healing e.g. massage etc.

- in the maintenance of existing systems
- in setting up new projects
- in the healing of ailing components

The "ensembles" will meet four times a year in the months of
October, January, April, July.

- Description of the requested assistance with desired date (October, January, April, July)
- Deadline for submission of the 4 projects for the following calendar year is December 1st of each year
- Review of the requested projects by members of Europa Morgen e.V.
- Confirmation of support by 15.12. of each year
- Organization of the crew, material, costs and procedure

Contact person:

Andreas Dilthey
Phone: 0170 344 80 70

Outdoor spaces

Lisa can be found in Tuscany, where she owns a beautiful hill with woods and meadows. At the very top, she has built wonderful open-air suites that she rents out. From there, you can enjoy an overwhelming view that stretches as far as the island of Elba. (new line)
She calls these unique domiciles "open-air rooms", where you can gaze at the stars in the open air and imagine yourself to be in the middle of the cosmos.

Lisa Breu

Levend Water

"When the water flows again (blank space in the word), in our environment, in our city and in our gardens, and when it is also clean, then it reminds us of life." This is how Lucy describes her water projects, which are created in collaboration with citizens and the authorities, such as in the following two projects: and

Lucy Bathgate

Olive harvest

Toni has lived in Tuscany for many years, where he owns a small house and several hundred olive trees. Together with his neighbors, he harvests the olives and produces his own high-quality oil. He is always happy to receive help and has a charming hut ready as accommodation for the helpers.

Toni Innerhofer


The vision quest is one of the most powerful tools to find your soul's purpose to give your life meaning and significance. It is an invitation to enter your sacred inner space, to awaken your creative power to bring your beauty into the world.

Johanna Tiefenbeck